CIVITAS Webinar – Thematic Group Introduction “Sharing is the new having”


WebinarCIVITAS Initiative

CIVITAS Webinar – Thematic Group Introduction

“Sharing is the new having”

Understanding Car Independent Lifestyles

Monday 7 April 11h00 - 12h00 CET


  1. Key note speaker ‘The sharing economy’ - Sarah Martens, Mobility Expert, Mobiel 21 
  2. Bike sharing - key to success - bicycle-sharing system Bicike(LJ) in Ljubljana (Slovenia) - Mr Matjaž Čepon , technical director at the advertising company Europlakat - a private partner in public-private partnership – Bicike(LJ) project
  3. Car sharing – keys to success in Stuttgart (Germany)  -  Regina Lüdert, Leiterin Mobilitäts-Beratung (tbc)
  4. Launch of Thematic Group Car Independent Lifestyles by Marjan Frederix, Thematic Moderator for TG Car Independent Lifestyles
    1. Why should you be part of TG Car Independent Lifestyles
    2. How to become involved in TG Car Independent Lifestyles
    3. Discussion on themes to work on in TG Car Independent Lifestyles
    4. Q&A session

If you have specific questions for the speakers, or if you have inspiring examples of sharing solutions, please join the discussion on the CIVITAS Interactive discussion platform for Car independent lifestyles. We will continue the discussion here after the webinar ends.

Please register at

The webinar will use the GoToWebinar software. If you have never used it before, you can test it here.



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