CIVITAS Webinar: Mobility planning in polycentric and cross-border regions



Planning urban mobility is a complex undertaking for any city, even more so when urban functions, people and mobility are scattered across different towns of polycentric or cross-border regions.

Indeed, planning mobility in polycentric and cross-border regions requires the coordination of policies and services of many stakeholders – transport and urban planners, local and regional policy makers, urban and interurban public transport providers – within and across different centres and administrative boundaries.

Organised on the 6th May 2015 by the CIVITAS Integrated Planning Thematic Group, in collaboration with the Poly-SUMP and the PUMAS projects from the European Platform of SUMPs, the webinar debated on the methodology to develop a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for regions with a polycentric or cross-border profile, bringing together key stakeholders to initiate dialogue across institutional and geographic boundaries.

First, the Poly-SUMP methodology for urban mobility planning in complex regions was presented. Then, two different experiences from cities and regions of the CIVITAS Forum Network were offered: Thessaloniki and Central Macedonia (EL), Nova Gorica (SI) and Gorizia (IT) provided an outlook on the challenges and potentials of planning mobility respectively on a polycentric and cross-border region.


15:00 – 15:10    

Welcome message and brief introduction

Simone Bosetti, CIVITAS WIKI (TRT Trasporti e Territorio)

15:10 – 15:25    

Presentation of the Poly-SUMP methodology

Carlo Sessa, ISIS – Istituto di Studi per l’Integrazione dei Sistemi

15:25 – 15:40    

The experience of the Central Macedonia Region (and its twinning region: Eastern Macedonia and Thrace region)

Afroditi Stamelou, ANATOLIKI S.A -  Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki's Local Authorities

15:40 – 15:55    

Potentials and challenges for mobility planning in the cross-border region of Nova Gorica – Gorizia, the PUMAS experience

Luka Mladenovič, UIRS – Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia

15:55 – 16:15    

Final Discussion, Q&A


Agenda and presentations are available for download (see below, in the download area).
The recording is available here.

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Author: Simone Bosetti



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