CIVITAS Training: Cycling 2.0



The CIVITAS training ‘Cycling 2.0’ will bring you the best of the Dutch cycling culture. Learn how cycling has gained strong foothold in sustainable urban mobility policies and about some great Dutch examples of bike promotion projects. It will enable you to design effective and creative cycling projects in your own city. Join us at The Hoxton in Amsterdam on 8 April and experience the Dutch (bike) culture! 

This training is for professionals involved in cycling measures, promotion, and policy making. Participants will get information on the latest developments in cycling and planning for cycling. Planning and marketing cycling in cities will also be covered. The training includes a field trip in Amsterdam and interactive exercises to apply theory to practice.


  • Trainer: Tanja STEENHORST (DTV Consultants/CIVITAS CAPITAL)
  • Expert: Meredith GLASER (MagPlanning, Copenhagenize)
  • Expert: Marco te BRÖMMELSTROET (University of Amsterdam)
  • Expert: Sander Buningh (DTV Consultants)
  • Expert/Guide bike tour: Pascal van den Noort (Velo Mondial)

More information is available in the document 'Information CIVITAS Training Cycling 2.0'

Date, time, location

  • 8 April 2016, 9:00h-18:00h, The Hoxton, Herengracht 55, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • This training can be combined with a visit to Intertraffic Amsterdam 2016 (5-8 April) and the Smart Cities Side Event at Intertraffic Amsterdam (6 April)

“Upgrade your training to a placement and have your travel costs reimbursed.” (for professionals only)
The CIVITAS Learning Centre offers the opportunity for the reimbursement of travel costs for a limited number of participants of the Cycling 2.0 Training. So how does it work?

7 April
An additional day will be added to the training programme. CIVITAS will organise a session with the Amsterdam City Administration on 7 April. During the morning you will participate in a discussion session. The City of Amsterdam will give a presentation about cycling policy followed by discussion and reflection. During the afternoon you will work on a practical assignment that involves observations at certain locations in the city. 

8 April
On 8 April you will participate in the training “Cycling 2.0”. 

Once back home
After your stay you will write a short portfolio (4-6 page report) comprising your reflection, learnings and a perspective on how insights gained through the presentations and discussions could be applied in your home town. A template will be provided.

Once the CIVITAS Learning Centre has recieved and accepted your portfolio your costs will be reimbursed (costs to be declared via declaration form and accompanied with original reciepts)



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