CIVITAS NOVELOG Athens Workshop ‘Guidance in developing business models for sustainable city logistics’



The Athens Workshop is organized in the framework of the six NOVELOG city workshops.

The workshop will bring together stakeholders from Athens and other European cities, in order to present successful cooperation schemes for city logistics solutions and the knowledge gained so far from the Athens pilot application in the frame of NOVELOG project. The workshop aims to give guidance to the actors for sustainable city logistics measures adoption by discussing about the most efficient answers to frequently asked questions.

The workshop is structured as follows:

A) Introductory session
B) Successful cooperation schemes for city logistics solutions
C) NOVELOG Athens Pilot experience
D) Round table discussion

The NOVELOG City Workshops also aim to showcase and encourage the uptake of the 4 NOVELOG Tools(Understanding Cities, Evaluation, Toolkit and Guidance).For this reason, the NOVELOG Athens Workshop provides an additional opportunity for participants: selected cities & stakeholders can benefit from a dedicated training on the Toolkit, with a demonstration applied to a specific case study.

If you want to attend, please book your place by writing to Giacomo Somma (g [dot] somma [at] mail [dot] ertico [dot] com): selected cities & regions and their stakeholders can benefit from a specific budget dedicated for covering their Travel & Accommodation costs, but resources are limited!

Click here to see the final agenda: Athens Workshop agenda

Click here to register for this event.

See you in Athens!

Read more

Author: George Stefas, Athens Development and Destination Management Agency


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