CIVITAS MIMOSA Tallinn’s Smart Traveller Day - Travelling Together Safely!


OtherCIVITAS Initiative

Tallinn’s Smart Traveller Day took place on May 21st 2010, was an integrated family approach to preventing traffic accidents, boosting the uptake of cycling and walking.It also acted as a platform to introduce and explain the objectives and measures of the MIMOSA project as well as the CIVITAS Initiative to the citizens.The day saw an action packed series of free, inspiring and hands-on events, in building confidence and knowledge in traffic safety amongst young and old pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. Useful long lasting bike & pedestrian reflective wraps were also be handed out to participants with information on the CIVITAS MIMOSA project.The event was an open, fun, and affordable opportunity for local people to experience and learn smarter, safer, and enjoyable ways when getting from A to B in the city.Young people, a key influencer of adult opinion and environmental matters, played a central role in the activities. Other key participants included: Estonian Road Board, Estonian Red Cross, Estonian Police, European Road Safety Charter, Traffic Club for Children, Safety Learning Centre, Tallinn Autobus Company Ltd, Rovico and the Aide driving school.A snapshot of just some of the events taking place on Smart Traveller Day May 21st:

  • Kids Obstacle & Technique Bike Challenge (Balance Tricks)
  • Top Technique & Safety Tricks from Young Bike Champions
  • Bike Licence for kids
  • Family Safety Traffic Tips from the Country’s Leading Experts(helmet, reflectors, safety belt testing)
  • The A-Z of First-Aid On The Road
  • Traffic Safety related quiz and attention games
  • Live Music and Dance featuring young talent
  • Information on trip planning tool, bicycle routes, other MIMOSA measures in Tallinn, and in other CIVITAS cities
  • Interactive Police Presentation to children (motorbike, ATV, motorbike etc)
  • A survey measuring citizen awareness on CIVITAS/MIMOSA and collecting citizen suggestions to improve services
  • Promotional reflective wraps and other safety gear

Author: Anu Leisner

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