CIVITAS CATALIST workshop on car-sharing in Bremen

BREMEN, Belgium

WorkshopCIVITAS Initiative

Car-Sharing - what's in it for cities and how to help establish it. In the framework of the CIVITAS CATALIST project, the City of Bremen, project partner within CIVITAS CATALIST, is organised a workshop about Car-Sharing in Bremen. This workshop showed participants how Car-Sharing

  • Saves urban space for better use than parking
  • Reduces car-mileage to urbanely sustainable levels
  • Provides great complementary service to car-free city-dwellers
  • And how it can be started in your city

Furthermore the workshop provided the participants with practical information

  • why Car-Sharing is a crucial element of sustainable transport strategies
  • how to get it successfully started

Speakers represented cities, Public Transport operators and research. The format allowed an intense exchange of practical experience - in order to help other European cities with the CIVITAS experience. For more information on this event please click here

Authors: Holding Graz Linien, Michael Glotz-Richter and Thomas Kirpal


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