Change In Action- Sustainable Transport Workshop



 A one day interactive training event for council officers and transport professionals. Hosted by Southend Borough Council and organised by the CIVINET UK & Ireland Network - by Local Authorities for Local Authorities.

The day will begin with registration starting from 09:30 for a 10:00 start and will end at approximately 15:00 

The event will focus on the Local Sustainable Transport Fund, its impact on current UK local transport policy and the legacy and influence of National and European sustainable transport projects in the UK with case study input from Southend, Bristol and Liverpool.

The event will welcome interactive discussion, including input from:

  • The Department for Transport - speaking about the LSTF awards
  • Merseytravel - discussing seamless passenger travel across Europe
  • Bristol City Council - examining their Cycling City legacy
  • Southend Borough Council - talking about public transport modal integration and seamless interchange

The day will conclude with a walking tour focussing on
key sustainable transport measures that have been implemented in Southend.

For further details and to book a place email civinet-uk-ireland [at] civitas [dot] eu or call 0117 9076520

CIVINET UK & Ireland Network members attend the event free of charge.

Non Members are charged a nominal fee of £50 (refundable on joining the network within 30 days of the event).

A buffet lunch will be included for all registered delegates.


Author: Alastair Byers

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