Baltic Sea Region SUMP workshop

TAMPERE, Finland


Do you want to learn more about Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning?

Join the Baltic Sea Region Workshop on SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan) organized by the European SUMPs-Up project in cooperation with the City of Tampere, MAL network and UBC Sustainable Cities Commission (15 March 2018). The workshop facilitates discussion and exchange of experiences on different challenges and solutions within the field of sustainable urban mobility planning.

The event is targeted to experts and planners in local administrations and organization working with mobility issues in the Baltic Sea Region area.

Only participants from this area can participate. The countries that are eligible are: Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Germany.  

The workshop will showcase different approaches to sustainable urban mobility planning in the Baltic Sea region through concrete case examples from cities. The presentations address different SUMP topics such as citizen involvement, cross-sectoral and cross-border cooperation, integration of land-use planning and mobility planning and data collection.

The host city Tampere is about to initiate their first SUMP process and will share their experiences on this. The workshop will end with a Site visit where Tampere will showcase their current tramway project and how they have promoted cycling and walking in their city.

The City of Tampere warmly welcomes all participants to join a Reception at the City Hall in the previous evening at 19:00, March 14th to meet up with the other mobility planners and experts from all over Europe! The reception will be organised jointly for the BSR SUMP workshop participants & SUMP Learning programme workshop participants (14 March 2018).

Baltic Sea Region SUMP workshop

Baltic Sea Region SUMP workshop website

Author: Baltic Sea Region SUMP workshop

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