Assessing CO2 emissions in transport – supporting planning activities for Sustainable Energy Action Plans and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

WEBINAR, Belgium


Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) are two of the complementary strategic planning tools most commonly utilized to improve quality of life and promote energy efficiency in European Cities. One of the important questions faced when preparing SEAPs and SUMPs is, how can we predict the CO2 emissions savings that a particular initiative or package of measures will achieve? During this Covenant of Mayors webinar, it is the intension to present and discuss some of the planning and modeling tools that are available for measuring and predicting CO2 emissions in transport within a municipal territory that will be useful for SEAP and SUMP officers and practitioners.

The webinar will begin by outlining the complementary nature of the SEAPs and SUMPs prepared by municipalities and how the transport goal setting and planning activities can be integrated. To assist municipalities who have developed or who intend to develop a SEAP and or a SUMP, this will be followed with presentations on solutions for gathering emissions data and tools that can be utilized for modelling SEAP / SUMP outcomes.

The webinar will include presentations by: the Danish Technical University on examples of CO2 assessment models; and the City of Rotterdam on the simultaneous implementation of SEAP and SUMP.

It is possible to register for the webinar at:


Covenant of Mayors Office


Covenant of Mayors Office

Author: Covenant of Mayors

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