Advanced Solutions for Urban Mobility


OtherCIVITAS Initiative

In European cities, economic and social activities are concentrated in a limited space. Mobility is a basic need of urban life, which is favored by proximity and mixture, but increasingly affected by the competition for scarce land. Sustainable urban mobility is a permanent challenge, designed and implemented locally. Good framework conditions and an active support at the European and national level play an important role.
The event provides an active contribution to the current debate about the role of the EU in the realisation of sustainable urban mobility. This role is moving between the poles of subsidiarity and an aspiration to achieve. In North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) there are many years of experience with advanced urban transport concepts. This event gives insight to innovative solutions from the region. A specific focus is on multimodal mobility management.
Please join us and discuss with our guests. You are invited to attend a reception after the programme. You may forward this invitation to other interested persons or institutions. Interpretation: German and English
Please register until 9th February 2016 at event [dot] nrw [at] lv-eu [dot] nrw [dot] de

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