Act Travelwise incorporating CIVINET UK & Ireland Third Annual Sustainable Mobility Convention


OtherCIVITAS Initiative

The CIVINET Third Annual Sustainability Mobility Convention was held this year in Edinburgh on 25 and 26 October 2012 in the Radisson Blu hotel.  The event was organised as a joint conference with the ACT Travelwise Scotland group with support from SESTRANS. The full range of interesting and informative speakers were announced.  These was complemented with a series of learning workshops, a walking tour and a Pecha Kucha session for those willing to participate!

The event sessions covered topics such as securing European funding, using social media, social marketing & health, clean vehicles, managing large sustainable transport projects, integrated ticketing – the Scottish experience, urban design and the challenges of resourcing smarter choices activity.

CIVINET UK & Ireland was able to provide up to twenty free places for members which were provided on a first come, first served basis, limited to no more than two places per member.  This covered the cost of delegate fees but not the cost of accommodation, travel or the convention evening dinner.  Additional places were available at a discounted rate for CIVINET members.

If you need more information you can contact Alastair Byers at civinet-uk-ireland [at] civitas [dot] eu or by calling +44117 907 6520

Author: Alastair Byers


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