Call now open for educational institutes wishing to cooperate with CIVITAS projects

Mobility Powered by Youth

Educational Network Call

Image from Unsplash by Jacek Dylag

Are you a member of CIVITAS Educational Network? Are you interested in collaborating with the ongoing CIVITAS projects?

CIVITAS Educational Network has launched a call for interest, targeting educational institutes interested in establishing cooperation with ongoing CIVITAS projects. Educational institutes must be members of the CIVITAS Educational Network to be considered eligible. Further details about each active CIVITAS project can be found in the call document.

The duration and format(s) of the cooperation will be discussed based on the needs of each institute and that of the CIVITAS projects. Examples of cooperation include:

  • Hosting of interns at CIVITAS project partner organizations
  • Integration of CIVITAS projects as case studies in existing educational courses
  • Integration of CIVITAS knowledge into existing curricula
  • Field trips to CIVITAS project living labs
  • Guest lecture opportunities

Call information

Call opens: 17 January 2024
Call closes: 1 February 2024

Read the call here.

Contact information

For more information about the call, please contact:

Tariq van Rooijen - rooijen [dot] t [at] buas [dot] nl
Ekaterina Uzunova - uzunova [dot] e [at] buas [dot] nl
Nina Nesterova - nesterova [dot] n [at] buas [dot] nl

The CIVITAS Educational Network facilitates cross-European cooperation between educational institutes active in the field of mobility. If you are not yet a member of the network and wish to become involved, please fill in the entry survey to specify your interests:

Author: Breda University of Applied Sciences


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