Vila Franca de Xira

Image by Carla Gomes

Vila Franca de Xira (Portugal)

Vila Franca de Xira (VFX) is a city and municipality located in central Portugal. It is one of 16 municipalities of the Lisbon district as well as one of 18 municipalities making up the Lisbon Metropolitan Area.

The city's current mobility-related objective is decrease of dependence on cars for daily commuting in favour of sustainable mobility modes, and reduction of GHG emissions. In addition to improving access, the city is focusing on providing more parking spaces for shared mobility solutions: carpooling, carsharing and bike-sharing, increasing the number of charging stations for electric vehicles (which are still underutilized in the city), replacing end-of-life internal combustion vehicles with electric vehicles. Through that, the municipality is planning to continue its public decarbonization policy, work towards an efficient use of energy, and fight with noise pollution.

In regard to soft mobility modes, the network is already interconnected with neighboring municipalities and integrated into the metropolitan network, however there are plans for further improvements. VFX intends to expand its cycle path network and reach 100 million kilometers of interconnected paths. Additionally, the city plans to continue improving multimodal hubs near five existing railway stations in the city.

VFX's Facebook page VFX's Instagram page VFX's YouTube page Mobility and transport for Lisbon metropolitan area Municipal Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan

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318,19 km²


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