Turnhout (Belgium)
Turnhout is a city of 41,000 inhabitants, located in the Flemish province of Antwerp, Belgium. It is the cultural and economic centre of its region and has 40 schools. Turnhout is located 42 km from the centre of Antwerp and 40 km from Eindhoven, and is famous as the world centre of the playing card industry.
Turnhout demonstrates a modal split of 11 percent pedestrians; 39.6 percent cycling; 12 percent public transport; 1.9 percent motorbikes; 43.2 private cars; and 4.5 percent car passengers.
The city’s strategic approach to transport management is currently defined by the Urban Transport Plan, which was adopted in 2004. The main goals of this plan are to:
- make the city centre, historical centre and shopping area pedestrian friendly;
- create liveable residential streets with a low traffic profile;
- establish a bike network that includes cycle highways and regional routes in order to maintain Turnhout’s position as Flanders’ number one cycling city;
- maintain a user-friendly bus network with connections to the train station; and
- introduce a workable car network based on one-way traffic zones.
Substantial progress has been made. Achievements to date include innovative measures and infrastructure such as an enlarged car-free zone; car sharing in the city centre; new P&R and biking facilities; sustainable transportation for city employees; and the clustering of public transportation on fewer corridors with higher frequencies (making more buses available for more passengers and gaining greater recognition of the corridors).
Special emphasis on clean vehicles and alternative fuels has been demonstrated through the introduction of smaller, cleaner buses fitted with particulate filters. Future plans include the expansion of the car-free zone; reduced car traffic in the city centre; more parking spaces on the outskirts of the city; and more public transportation into the city centre. Turnhout is also determined to remain Flanders’ favourite cycling city.
Turnhout works on the implementation of sustainable urban transport measures in cooperation with the municipalities of Beerse, Oud-Turnhout and Vosselaar, the Flemish Government, the Province of Antwerp, the Flemish public transportation company “De Lijn”, the national railway company “NMBS”, the local police, schools, local businesses and shopkeepers, cultural centres and event organisers, and the Association of Environment and Mobility Organisations (Komimo vzw).
The Turnhout region also participates in the European Platform on Mobility Management (EPOMM).
Online Mobility Information Platform: www.samenmobiel.be
Summary finalised: November 2010