Tel Aviv

Image by Simona leibovich

Tel Aviv-Yafo (Israel)

Today, Tel Aviv Yafo is a city of around 468,700 residents spread over an area of 52 km² and a source of employment for over 407,000 (11% of Israel’s workforce). The Tel Aviv Metropolitan covers area size of 1,519 km² with a population of over 3.7 million people. More than 57% of all the jobs in banking and finance are concentrated in the city, which has become one of the top ten hi-tech centres in the world. Tel Aviv Yafo is also a centre of art and culture, housing three of the major museums in Israel and its four leading theatres. As a major transportation hub, the city is served by a comprehensive public transport network, with many of the major national transportation network routes running through the city.

The urban mobility main goal of the city is promoting a behavioural change. This means managing the demand for car use by changing travelers' attitude and behaviour and reducing car usage by developing alternatives for private vehicles among others.

Some of the challenges that Tel Aviv is facing are: LRT System's construction, urban freight management, managing the future demand of electric transportation and implementing new parking policies. The city will also work on solving the following topics: the low number of women ciclying, the lack of public transportation on Sabbath and holiday or the evacuation of the Central Bus Station.

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52 km²

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