Sopron (Hungary)

Sopron is a city of 58,000 inhabitants, located in Győr-Moson-Sopron county, Hungary. It is located on the western border of Hungary, 60 km from Vienna and 220 km from Budapest.For protecting quality of air, the city also researches best energy use for urban transport...

The city’s strategic approach to transport management is currently defined by the project Complex Development for Dynamic and Sustainable Public Transport in Sopron. This has resulted in a sustainable urban transport plan, the main targets of which include the reduction of traffic-related air pollution, the extension of the bicycle path network and the construction of a railway overpass.

Achievements to date include innovative measures such as a modernized intelligent traffic control system integrated with GPS on public transport buses. As yet, there has been no special emphasis on clean vehicles and alternative fuels. Future plans include the further modernization of the local passenger information system, with the additional aims of reducing the number of unused seats on buses.

Sopron works on the implementation of sustainable urban transport measures in cooperation with public transport companies and NGOs working in the areas of tourism and support for disabled and visually impaired people.

International project has been launched for finding best possibilities of energy use in urban transport. The project is led by the City of Sopron.

Summary finalized: March 2010

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