
Rijeka (Croatia)

Rijeka is a city of 270,000 inhabitants, located on Kvarner Bay, an inlet of the Adriatic Sea in Croatia. It is the third largest city in Croatia, well known for its port, which is the largest in the country. The town is eager for keeping its public transport system significant and attractive.

The city of Rijeka demonstrates a modal split of 60 percent individual and 40 percent public transport.

Its strategic approach to transport management is currently defined by a sustainable transport management strategy, which has resulted in the Development Master Plan.

Progress has been slow because of lack of funding for the modernization of the public transport system. Achievements to date include innovative infrastructure, such as an automatic traffic control system that controls traffic lights at key city intersections, thus achieving an optimal traffic flow through the city center. Future plans include the design and implementation of a sustainable public transport system that will achieve a new modal split of 40 percent individual and 60 percent public transport. In cooperation with the company Autotrolej, Rijeka plans to introduce a traffic information system for drivers and a public transport information system for passengers; automatic ticketing in public transport; a car-parking information system; and a traffic light system that gives priority to buses.

Rijeka is working on the implementation of sustainable urban transport measures in cooperation with the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering in Zagreb, the city of Genoa, and the private company Autotrolej

Summary finalized: May 30, 2009

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