Poznan (Poland)

Poznan is a city of 568,000 inhabitants in Poland, one of the oldest cities in the country and is famous for its architecture, museums and cultural and sporting events. Hub of public transport, the Railway Station shows a very modern architecture, attracting passengers for sustainable modes.

In 2000, the city of Poznań demonstrated a modal split of 57 percent private vehicles, 10 percent pedestrians and cycling, and 37 percent public transport.
The Poznań Transport Policy was adopted on November 18, 1999. The main goals of the policy are to respond to the problem of increased motor vehicle congestion and to improve the standard of the public transport system.
Based on the policy, the following programmes have been adopted: the Sustainable Public Transport Development Plan for 2007 to 2015 (October 2006); the Poznań Bicycle Programme for 2007 to 2015 (January 2008); the Poznań Parking Policy (June 2008); and the Poznań Road Programme for 2008 to 2015 (September 2008).

The overall objective of the Sustainable Public Transport Development Plan is to create a transport system that is economically, spatially, ecologically and socially sustainable. The main goals are to increase the modal share of public transport and cycling; reduce traffic noise in residential districts; reduce emissions of pollutants; and ensure access for disabled people to the public transport system.

In order to promote cleaner urban transportation, the city is working on replacing the old public transport fleet with new, energy-efficient vehicles; using Euro 4 and Euro 5 fuels in the public transport system; eliminating heavy goods vehicles from the city centre; developing the bicycle path network and bicycle parking infrastructure; and improving the effectiveness of transport system management.

Activities carried out under the transport policy are included in the regularly updated Long-term Investment Plan for Poznań. The scope of implementation depends on the city’s available financial resources.

The city works on the implementation of sustainable urban transport measures in cooperation with public and private transport companies and other stakeholders.

Summary finalized: April 2010


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