Image from Unsplash, Matt Seymour
Oxfordshire (United Kingdom)
Oxfordshire is a prosperous and vibrant county, combining a successful, thriving economy with a high quality environment. It is the most rural county in southeast England, and yet is a world leader in innovation and enterprise in areas including scientific and energy research, international publishing, bio-technology, car manufacture and motor sport industries.
Oxfordshire County Council is the local authority responsible for the highways, public health, emergency planning, education and libraries, amongst other functions, and it has an established innovation HUB working in areas of fast development, such as autonomous vehicles, EVs, drones, quantum technologies, MaaS and health & care innovation. OCC aims to use collaborative innovation with industry and academia to deliver sustainable, equitable and inclusive mobility that supports the region's fast growth.
Fast Facts
2,600 km²
City area
July 2019
Membership start
Knowledge Bank