Maribor (Slovenia)

Maribor is a city of 119,000 inhabitants, located in the Lower Styria region of Slovenia, 100 km northeast of Ljubljana. It is the second largest city in the country and is well known for its good wines. For preserving built heritage, the city emphasizes car traffic limitations and pedestrianization.

At present, the city of Maribor has no specific data on modal split.

Although the city has no sustainable transport management strategy, it has developed a municipal environmental protection programme for the period 2008 to 2013, one goal of which is sustainable transport. Transportation-related targets are the increased modal share of public transport, cyclists and pedestrians; and reduced private-vehicle (car) use.

Progress has been slow in this field and no innovative measures have been implemented. However, the city has launched a “children’s cycling hour”, during which pupils from primary schools are given cycling lessons in the city.

In the field of clean fuels and vehicles, the city of Maribor has introduced small electric buses for public transportation in pedestrian zones.

During the ongoing preparation of its sustainable transport policy, Maribor is cooperating with NGOs, the university, businesses, experts and other private and public stakeholders.

Summary finalized: April 2010


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