Lund (Sweden)

Lund is a city of 106,000 inhabitants, located in the province of Scania in the Öresund region of southern Sweden. It is a notable industrial and business center, 16 km northeast of Malmö, and is also well known for the high percentage of bicycle users in urban transport...

The modal split for the Lund has been estimated as follows: within the urban area — 66 percent pedestrian/cycling, 7 percent bus/train, and 27 percent car/motorcycle; and in the municipality as a whole (urban and rural areas) — 42 percent pedestrian/cycling, 16 percent bus/train, and 42 percent car/motorcycle.

The city’s strategic approach to transport management is currently defined by the strategy Lunda's I and II, adopted in 1997 (I) and 2006 (II). A sustainable urban mobility plan is integrated in the Lunda's. The strategy/plan contains 18 targets that define its content and allow progress to be measured. Among the targets are the creation of district programmes with development requirements for all urban areas and town districts; an increase in pedestrian and cycling trips per resident; a decrease in motor vehicle transport per resident on municipal and national road networks; better accessibility for disabled people, children and the elderly; and a decrease in emissions of CO2 from transport per resident.

Progress has been very good for a number of reasons, including political foresight, courage and consensus in the 1970s; the implementation of hard and soft measures during the 1980s and 1990s; the sound work of the mobility management office (since 1999); adequate municipal and governmental funding; and a well-educated and highly motivated population.

Achievements to date include innovative measures, technologies and infrastructure such as 260 km of high-quality bike lanes and 5,500 bike racks in the city center alone; the establishment of Lundahoj, a bicycle center near the railway station offering servicing, guarded bike racks and rental bikes; prioritised bus lanes; a well-developed, coordinated and frequent local and regional bus system; a train system from Denmark to Gothenburg/Kalmar/Karlskrona with a unified ticket system; and extensive restrictions on car use in the city center.

A special emphasis on clean vehicles and alternative fuels has been demonstrated through the local production and sale of biofuel (methane) from waste; free electricity for electric cars at car parks; the procurement of clean vehicles for municipality use; and the promotion of municipality car-sharing services.

Challenges and future plans include better cooperation with companies, and the support of their work through mobility management etc.

Partnerships with both public and private institutions, and transport and traffic companies have been established in the city of Lund: Hållbar mobilitet Skåne (public regional mobility management office); Skånetrafiken (regional public transport provider); Vägverket (public Swedish road administration); Lund University (; and Trivector Traffic AB (a private consulting agency).

The city of Lund works on the implementation of sustainable urban transport measures in cooperation with Naturskyddsföreningen (the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation) as well as with other areas of municipality administration, institutions, businesses etc.

Summary finalized: November 25, 2009


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