
Klagenfurt (Austria)

Klagenfurt is a city of 90,000 inhabitants, located in the south of Austria on Lake Wörthersee and the river Glan, surrounded by picturesque mountains. It is the capital of the federal state of Carinthia and the sixth largest city in the country. City management follows a comprehensive package of measures for more sustainable transport system.

It is the seat of the bishop of the Roman Catholic district of Gurk-Klagenfurt and home to the Alpen-Adria University.

The city has a modal split of 65 percent private cars (drivers and passengers), 17 percent cyclists, 11 percent pedestrians, around 6 percent public transport and 1 percent mopeds and motorbikes.

The transport plan of Klagenfurt is integrated in the Urban Development Plan of 2000. The main goals are to improve quality of life by ensuring mobility for all road users, and to provide good accessibility while supporting local businesses. The plan is ultimately based on the EC’s European Spatial Development Perspective 1999. This includes promoting Klagenfurt as a dynamic, attractive and competitive city with compact infrastructure and short trip distances. 

New urban and traffic development plans are currently being prepared and goals are being defined. Both plans are expected to be finalized by 2012. As part of the new development plans, the city council recently decided to improve the modal split in the inner city by implementing a mobility plan comprising 90 measures. These include the creation of limited traffic zones and the introduction of parking fees and new park and ride systems. 

The city of Klagenfurt was involved in the EU LIFE04 project “Anti PM10 Action Programme” (KAPA GS), implemented in cooperation with Graz and South Tyrol; and the EU LIFE project “Sound and Particle Absorbing System” (SPAS), between 2006 and 2009. The city’s first free park and ride facility using Anti PM10 shuttle buses was put into operation within these projects. 

In the area of clean fuels and vehicles the city has taken part in two projects focusing on renewable energies for zero emission transportation in Europe, as well as CO2-neutral eMobility. One plan for the future is to have at least 1,500 electric vehicles on the roads by 2015 in order to reduce emissions of CO2, NOx and PM. A new biomass plant is being constructed, which will generate wood gas for vehicles running on compressed natural gas (CNG). This can be applicable for the car fleet administration as well as the new taxi-on-demand system. The plan is to raise public awareness of the benefits of using environmentally friendly vehicles rather than conventional cars. 

The city implements urban mobility measures in partnership with Stadtwerke AG Klagenfurt, Postbus AG, the provincial government of Carinthia, the city council, taxi companies, garages, car dealers and public companies. 

Summary finalized: June 2011

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