
Kalisz (Poland)

Kalisz is a city of 108,000 inhabitants, an important regional industrial and commercial center, 200 km west of Warsaw, and is known as the oldest city in Poland. As a city with the highest density of car ownership in Poland, city management implements different kind of measures for a shift towards sustainable modes.

At present, there are no data on the modal split in the city.

The city’s strategic approach to transport management is currently defined by its sustainable management strategy, which was approved in 2008. The main goals of the strategy are to improve the quality of collective passenger transport as well as the structure and efficiency of the public transport system; and to improve the proximity of tram and bus stops in order to decrease the journey time to and from them for inhabitants of the city’s districts. Kalisz also has a sustainable urban mobility plan, the main goals of which are to improve air quality and to address the problem of noise pollution.

Progress in this area has been very good. Achievements to date include innovative measures and infrastructure development such as the installation of an intelligent traffic light system; work on a fast train system; the introduction of new low-floor buses; their use of fuel of the highest EURO standard; and improvements to the cycling infrastructure. Kalisz Bus Lines (KLA) carries 19 million passengers per year with their newly purchased 16 inner-suburban lines and 12 suburban lines.

As a city with the highest density of car ownership, the city of Kalisz suffers from a lack of parking that should be mitigated by the introduction of parking management.

Kalisz works on the implementation of sustainable urban transport measures in cooperation with freight carriers, and other public and private companies.

Summary finalized : June 2010



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