Györ (Hungary)
Győr is a city of 128,000 inhabitants, located halfway between Budapest and Vienna. It is well known for its attractive baroque downtown area and its rich cultural life. The city with blooming economy aims balanced development between car traffic, public transport, walking and cycling.
Győr demonstrates a modal split of 30 percent public transport (5 percent train, 25 percent bus), 43 percent cars (19 percent car passengers, 34 percent car drivers), 7 percent pedestrians and 11 percent bicycles. These figures refer to trips to workplaces and schools.
There is no overall policy defining the city’s strategic approach to transport management, although the municipality has adopted strategies on cycling and public transport. Progress has been slow because of the differing interests of the stakeholders. The city has not yet achieved sustainable measures or technologies. Challenges have included the facilitation of cooperation between the different mobility actors and suppliers. Future plans include promoting sustainable transport modes and improving services. The city plans to introduce car access restriction measures to encourage less car-intensive lifestyles.
Győr works on the implementation of sustainable urban transport measures in cooperation with the local public transport (bus) company, the national train company, local and national cycle clubs and schools.
Summary finalized: 11 Feb 2010