Geneva (Switzerland)

Geneva is a city of 193,150 inhabitants, located at the point where the Rhône River exits Lake Geneva. It is the capital of the Republic and Canton of Geneva. It is the second most populous city in Switzerland (after Zürich), with extended public transport network reaching the neighboring countryside and even France.

The city of Geneva demonstrates a modal split of 30 percent private vehicles, 16 percent public transport, 47 percent walking and 7 percent cycling.
Between the city center and the periphery there are two contrasting types of mobility. The city center is gradually moving towards practices that can be described as sustainable, while individual motorized mobility continues to grow in the region.

Its strategic approach to transport management is currently defined as part of the Urban Master Plan. The main goals of the plan are to reduce traffic in the city, develop cycling and walking infrastructure and to strengthen the respective networks. It also aims to contribute to an increase in the modal share of public transport and to rationalize parking areas.

Achievements to date include innovative measures such as the introduction of areas with speed restrictions (such as 30km/h city center zones being reduced to 20km/h), pedestrian zones and cycling facilities; measures to reduce road noise; and the development of public transport and parking policies, in particular to facilitate intermodality. A special emphasis on clean vehicles and alternative fuels has been demonstrated through the renewal and rationalization of the municipal vehicle fleet, the purchase of electric vehicles and the promotion of car sharing.

Future plans include further activities to reduce traffic; to resolve parking issues (regulating two-wheeled parking, limiting parking time etc); to restructure the public transport network; and to promote soft mobility (by strengthening non-motorized networks, making networks accessible to disabled people, promoting eco-mobility, and introducing amenities for pedestrians and cyclists).

The city of Geneva has worked in cooperation with private companies, international organizations and public administrations in the implementation of mobility plans, as well as with local associations and public administrations in the implementation of traffic measures.

Summary updated August 2013




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