Durres (Albania)
Durres is a city of 114,000 inhabitants, located on the Albanian coast. It is the second largest city in Albania, about 33 km west of the capital, Tirana, and is well known for its Roman amphitheatre, built in the second century.
At present, the city of Durres has no specific data on modal split. However, most citizens use collective public transport (mostly buses).
The city of Durres has a transport management policy, and efforts have been made towards its implementation since the end of the previous political system.
The main goals of the policy are to provide a user-friendly public transportation system in the city and improve the efficiency of the transport system, using new vehicles as far as possible.
The main target of the mobility plan is to bring streets and roads into compliance with EU directives. The city has already made investments in reconstruction and rehabilitation. The installation of traffic signals is obligatory on the newly reconstructed streets.
Progress has been slow in this field, largely due to a lack of budget resources for investments. Investments in traffic signals are often not a priority for financed and implemented projects.
Important achievements in collective transport management policy have been implemented in recent years:
- A new itinerary for collective transport lines was planned and implemented in the city of Durres in 2005 and 2006. The goal was to incorporate new populated areas around the city of Durres into the existing city network.
- In 2006, a private company was selected for the first time to operate on one of the city’s collective transport lines.
- Old buses were replaced with new models, according to an approved budget and to administrative procurement procedures under Albanian law.
- In 2009, the Italian company Hydea spa. was selected to present a regulatory plan for the city of Durres, which includes an urban mobility plan. Official approval of the regulatory plan by both the city authorities and the government is under way.
Summary finalized: January