
Cosenza (Italy)

Cosenza is a city in Calabria in Southern Italy. The municipal population is of around 70,000. The urban area, however, counts over 260,000 inhabitants. It is the capital of the homonymous Province of Cosenza, which has a population of around 733,000.

The main goal for the Municipality of Cosenza is to promote a sustainable urban development through the adoption of a new sustainable and innovative transport plan. In recent years the Administration gave a strong boost to the use of transport systems with low environmental impact, by adopting the following measures: bike sharing, car sharing and car pooling, resurfacing of pavements. The urban area also is being equipped with the necessary structures for making a more sustainable urban transport, such as bike lanes, pedestrian zones and traffic restricted zones. Each year the Municipality also promotes green initiatives to raise awareness of the use of public transport systems and to get around the city on foot, as the "Day of sustainable urban mobility - the urban trekking." An innovative intervention concerns the extension of the urban area to the neighboring municipalities through the prolongation of the routes of the "circolare veloce", a transport system at high frequency like a subway that circulates on the road like the bus. The plan will allow to connect more quickly and effectively three different municipalities that are part of a single large metropolitan area.

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