
Bruges (Belgium)

Bruges is a city of 117,000 inhabitants and is the capital of and the largest city in the province of West Flanders in the Flemish region of Belgium. While Brugges is proud of the high percentage of bikers, it is often hard to collate the conservation of built heritage and the quality of life - including transport amenities.

Although there are no accurate figures for the city’s modal split, Bruges does have data on the travel habits of city administration employees. City workers demonstrate a modal split of 4.9 percent pedestrians; 55.6 percent bicycle or motorbike; 6.5 percent public transport; and 33 percent cars.

The city’s strategic approach to transport management is currently defined by a policy that was passed in 2008. This has resulted in a mobility plan, the main targets of which include ensuring a high quality of life, especially for inhabitants of the city center.

Achievements to date include innovative measures and infrastructure such as the Molivo mobile bike parking, which is used especially at large events in the city. In support of municipal traffic management, free public transport is available for those parking their cars in the main railway station car park. As yet, no special emphasis on clean vehicles and alternative fuels has been demonstrated in Bruges. Future plans include the installation of personal bike storage facilities in the historical city center.

There are no data about partnerships in the implementation of sustainable urban transport measures in Bruges.

Summary finalized: June 2010



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