
Basic Information


English, Dutch

Latest update


Free of charge

Application time

5 minutes

Assistance required

No training required

Assistance data

Total street width

Tool type

Option generator

Application area

  • Dissemination and communication

Target Audience

  • Metropolitan regions



Municipalities often struggle with the required level of consultation required for a specific street upgrade project. Some municipalities stick to the minimum level of consultation, while other, more progressive cities empower citizens to actively participate in the design of their streets.

In such kind of participatory environment, engineers, urban designers and citizens need to use a common design language to be able to effectively communicate ideas.

For such purposes, Code for America has previously released the tool "Streetmix", which enables citizens and advocates to quickly design cross-sections to communicate ideas to their municipalities and planning authorities. This is a very effective tool, but it lacked some more advanced street design elements that can make a big difference in the early design stages of a street.

Therefore, Mobycon has enhanced the original Streetmix tool and greatly extended the number of available elements. For example, the enhanced tool contains more green infrastructure, more bicycle facilities and a shared space option has been added. This makes StreetSketch (the Mobycon version of Streetmix) a vital tool for cooperative street design for municipalities, advocacy groups and citizens.

StreetSketch allows its users to share a common design language with urban designers and engineers and enables quick prototyping for street design, thus generating better and more liveable streets.

Good Example

The borough of Southwark in London has been implementing a new set of cycling routes through the spine of the area. However, local residents were in opposition of changes to the streets. By enabling them to explore potential street layouts themselves, the residents quickly were able to generate an improved cross section that would alleviate their concerns while delivering the necessary infrastructure to enable safer cycling.



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