Basic Information
English, German
Latest update
Consulting upon request
Application time
The project duration of the consultancy service EXPERIENCE depends on the complexity of the investigated infrastructure as well as on the number of scenarios.
Assistance required
EXPERIENCE is part of a consultancy service.
Assistance data
3D model of the building or urban space (if available).
Tool type
Hardware Method / Approach Other Software
Application area
- Data gathering
- Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
- Appraisal and assessment
- Evaluation and monitoring
Target Audience
- Rural areas
- Small cities
- Medium-sized cities
- Large cities
- Metropolitan regions
- Other
The EXPERIENCE tool facilitates the creation of virtual 3D models of existing or planned buildings or urban spaces in a in a cost-efficient manner thanks to state-of-the-art technologies.
The system includes natural movements, ambient noise and pedestrian flows in the simulation as well as wayfinding system components such as signs, screens or PA announcements.
The test subjects (participants) can move around within the virtual test environment and are given tasks to perform within it. EXPERIENCE captures how they perceive the environment and how the elements of the wayfinding system influence their orientation and their actions. It does so through advanced eye tracking, recordings of participants' movements and reactions as well as their individual behavioural patterns.
The system thus produces answers to questions such as: What paths do the test subjects take within the scope of their set objectives? Which disruptive factors are present in the architecture and the wayfinding system? Which signs and objects attract visual attention? Through analysis of virtual experiences we derive valuable insights for the improvement and optimisation of infrastructure design.
Key Features:
- Optimisation of infrastructure and wayfinding systems in existing or planned buildings;
- Avoid additional investments for subsequent changes;
- Higher safety, efficiency, and comfort;
- Higher customer satisfaction in buildings and urban spaces.
Good Example
- The project “VR-Planning” enhances participative planning processes by including Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR + AR) technologies.
- The project will develop innovative interaction approaches that provide the flexibility to be used by experts as well as citizens.
- This will allow stakeholders to experience design choices of public spaces on a highly immersive level even in early planning phases.
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
volker.alberts [at] ait.ac.at