Evaluation Tool

Basic Information



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Free of charge

Application time

20-30 minutes

Assistance required

Prior to a scenario run it is recommended to read through the "Evaluation" Tool Manual or watch the "Demo" video for further clarifications (both can be found online embedded in the web application)

Assistance data

A scenario can include 1 – 140 indicators depending on the availability of data such as financial context, risks, air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, infrastructure, traffic counts, load factor, public acceptance etc.

Tool type

Method / Approach Software

Application area

  • Data gathering
  • Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
  • Appraisal and assessment
  • Evaluation and monitoring
  • Exploitation and business plans

Target Audience

  • Small cities
  • Medium-sized cities
  • Large cities
  • Metropolitan regions


The NOVELOG Evaluation Tool formulates a multi-criteria, multi-stakeholder decision making process, which facilitates the establishment and combination of objectives, performance criteria and indicators and relevant weights to reveal stakeholders’ preferences.

The tool is composed of 140 indicators that are grouped into 7 impact areas of a life cycle-based sustainability framework. The goal is to promote and support the selection of sustainable measures/policies in logistics within urban areas. Each stakeholder selects the indicators that fit to each city case and perform a holistic assessment. Pre-defined weights stimulate stakeholders’ engagement in the decision-making process and facilitate consensus building within each city.

The output of the Evaluation Tool is the integration of all indicators addressed in all impact areas and the formulation of a Logistics Sustainability Index (LSI) for each measure / policy tested, to ensure accurate estimation of a solution’s sustainability. This LSI captures not only the overall performance of the measure / policy implemented, but also the degree of objectives’ achievement and the possibility for further improvement.

The Evaluation Tool may also be used to produce more specific results through the three embedded modules:

  • Social Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Transferability and Adaptability and
  • Risk Analysis.

Data collection and estimation are facilitated by the Impact Assessment Module, and the behavioural modelling. Useful guidance on corrective actions and further steps towards the formulation of a SULP (Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan) are also provided.

Good Example

Case study: Graz, Austria. Estimation of a comparative LSI for supply chain stakeholders for the establishment of an Urban Consolidation Center (UCC). Low index in the creation stage owes to the initial high investment costs and disturbance in the traffic at the catchment area of the new project, which is expected to affect freight vehicle movements. The operation stage is valuated higher under the operation of the UCC, with an overall improvement of over 50%.


Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory (TTlog) / University of Thessaly (UTH) / Prof. Eftihia Nathanail

Lead of the tool development: NOVELOG

ttlog [at] uth.gr


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