Climate Campaigners app
Image by @Saints-photo
Basic Information
English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Lithuanian, Spanish
Latest update
Application time
30 seconds
Assistance required
Assistance data
Tool type
Method / Approach Mobile app Serious game Software
Application area
- Data gathering
- Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
- Dissemination and communication
- Other
Target Audience
- Small cities
- Medium-sized cities
- Large cities
- Metropolitan regions
The Climate Campaigners app offers diverse Challenges that can help you to live more CO2-neutral. Chose the #CCchallenges that matter for you from reducing waste to greener mobility. Get tips and inspiration, and track and analyse your CO2 savings – in detail and in real time.
Be part of a worldwide climate community. The CC app connects you with Climate Campaigners from 13 cities – from Dublin to Milan to Lahti and more! You can see which Challenges are most popular in real time, and share ideas and experiences with others. The app is available in all of the languages mentioned above (English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Lithuanian, Spanish), as well as Azerbaijani and Turkish.
Do a challenge and get rewards. With every Climate Challenge, you do something good – so you deserve to be rewarded. That’s why if you take part in the #CCchallenges you will receive many rewards, such as concert tickets or free bus rides. Saving the climate doesn’t just make sense: it’s also fun!
Key features:
- Explore new lifestyle habits to live more climate friendly
- Calculate your carbon footprint and see results in real time
- Complete challenges and receive rewards
- Be part of a large planet saving community
- Exchange and share experiences with others
More information:
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon research 2020 and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101003815.
Good Example
Users in project partner Lighthouse cities from Grenoble to Cape Town have downloaded the app, have challenged themselves and others to adopt more sustainable habits, and had the opportunity to provide feedback to their local policymakers on structural barriers they encountered along the way, via feedback at the end of the challenge.
team2 [at]