BC Analytics
Basic Information
English, Dutch, German
Latest update
20k-60k EUR per year depending on features and scale of implementation.
Application time
3 - 6 months intensive data collection required
Assistance required
Bike Citizens Team
Assistance data
Bike Citizens user tracks
Tool type
Mobile app Software
Application area
- Data gathering
- Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
- Appraisal and assessment
- Financing, procurement, legal aspects, measure implementation
- Evaluation and monitoring
- Dissemination and communication
Target Audience
- Small cities
- Medium-sized cities
- Large cities
- Metropolitan regions
The BC Analytics tool allows in-depth insight into GPS cycling data, analysis, scenario building and evaluation of cycling infrastructure projects. The tool visualises data in the form of “heat maps” and answers various questions such as:
- numbers of rides within a time frame for the entire road net
- detailed segment analysis (how often, when, and how fast do people cycle on a certain road?)
- origins and destinations of rides for any given street segment
- frequent routes (which routes bring cyclists to a certain location?)
- speed
- waiting times
- detours from optimal route
- what would the heat map look like if everybody took the optimal route?
- isochrones (how far can one travel by bike from any given point?)
- travel time improvement by infrastructure implementation (before - after)
BC analytics is a web based implementation licensed per year and terminal. Cities can use the tool to plan and evaluate infrastructure projects and soft policies. The more tracking data available, the better for the analysis.
Bike Citizens uses only self-generated data. We do neither buy nor sell tracking data. For scaling calculation BC Analytics can be combined with data from counting stations.
Good Example
The Bike Citizens Analytics tool is currently (2017) being implemented as integral part of the PING campaign in Brussels. 1000 participants are tracking their rides and mark locations where they feel uneasy, unsafe or in danger as a cyclist. The "pings" are being set into correlation with the overall track data to determine circumstance and relevance.
Bike Citizens / Bike City Guide Apps GmbH / Daniel Kofler
info [at] bikecitizens.net
0043 660 3944 750