Ready-to-go sustainable mobility measures & methods


For the past 20 years, CIVITAS projects have been experimenting with measures, solutions and methodologies that make urban mobility and transport in Europe more sustainable. In these slides, we have identified some of the solutions that can be most readily replicated across a variety of locations, contexts, and by various mobility projects.

In other words: we experimented so you don’t have to.

Think of this like a to-go lunch box – we have sorted through the raw ‘ingredients’ to hand you a collection of ready-to-go solutions. Explore this compilation of sustainable mobility methods that have been tested by CIVITAS projects, and are now ready to be rolled-out in your city. Find the best practices that inspire you, and implement them in your own context.

CIVITAS_Replication Pack.pdf

Cover of the Ready-to-go slide deck

Publication date:

Languages: English



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