CIVITAS slide show


The CIVITAS slideshow is an automated presentation describing the key objectives of initiative, examples of major outcome achieves during the past 13 years and the activities cities interested in joining the network can benefit of.

Content of the presentation:

  • What is CIVITAS
  • Examples of Measures
  • CIVITAS 2002-2016
  • Network & membership


The presentation in particular allows to understand how CIVITAS helps in achieving:

  • Modal split towards Public Transport: 3% to 30% increase of number of  passengers
  • Modal split Car: Decrease of car usage from 4% to 15%
  • Walking and Cycling: Increases of cycling and walking mode by 1% to 4%; A doubling of the number of cyclists and pedestrians in some cities
  • Urban logistics: Reduction of up to 60% of freight trucks movements; In Aalborg: decrease of 112 vehicles per day towards the city centre
  • CO2 reduction: Reduction of CO2 emission up to 55%; In Gdansk: -10.180 tons of CO2

CIVITAS general slides

Publication date:

.eu web awards
European Mobility Week
Smart Cities Marketplace
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

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