CIVITAS Plus Cluster Report - Public Transport


Public transport (PT) is a key element of sustainable mobility in cities, and should be sufficiently attractive to retain existing users and encourage new users. Ways of increasing the attractiveness of public transport include improved operational efficiency, harmonisation of tariffs and timetables, accessibility and interchange facilities.

Available technology enables simplified payment systems, such as contactless cards, service such as P+R, public bikes, and parking, as well as for PT fares.  Smartcard systems also enable operators to collect data on transport behaviour for individual passengers, makes it possible to better focus service provision.  A single card to pay for different services also increases the comfort/convenience for users. Such cards may also serve to pay for other services such as theatres, cinemas, concert halls, some shops etc.  Technologies such as GPS/GPRS enable improved management and real-time information systems for passengers.

Infrastructure systems can improve capacity and priority for public transport. The priority systems continue to be improved as better information technologies becomes available. Infrastructure investment include information infrastructure, and new, more comfortable, sustainable and more accessible buses. 

This report was compiled for the CIVITAS Plus phase of the Initiative by the CIVITAS POINTER project. 


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