CIVITAS Plus Cluster Report - Logistics and Goods Distribution

This report is a part of the work of Pointer Workpackage 2, ‘Evaluation’.  The main objectives of the report are to provide a technical cross site summary and comparison of impact evaluation results, and identify key drivers and barriers for measure implementation at cluster/sub-cluster levels.  For more detailed results, the individual Measure Evaluation Result Templates should be consulted.

Historic cities were not designed to cope with the pressures of freight deliveries that are required to meet the population numbers and varied product and service demands of 21st century consumer-led societies.  The environmental impacts such as noise, nuisance, air pollution, historic building damage, and congestion associated with continual multiple freight deliveries are at odds with the free-flowing traffic required by municipal planners for successful local economies, and the ‘quality-of-life’ expected by modern-day city residents.  As part of the CIVITAS POINTER “Cluster 4: Logistics and Goods Distribution”, 21 measures across 10 European Union member states were introduced to mitigate immediate freight delivery problems, whilst also seeking to contribute to the on-going sustainable development of historic European cities.  Regardless of the levels of implementation, these measures have provided valuable insights into the importance of planning, communication, research, testing, and especially meaningful collaboration between stakeholders.  The results and experiences from these projects provide a valuable output to guide future logistics and freight distribution schemes.

This report was compiled for the CIVITAS Plus phase of the Initiative by the CIVITAS POINTER project. 


Publication date:

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