SUMP-PLUS is supporting cities in the implementation of strategic mobility plans by addressing urban mobility challenges through the creation of tools and a base of mobility-related information.

About the project
In recent years, the shift towards sustainable mobility has gathered pace, with Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) crucial to driving this development. Despite their success, there remain some gaps. Plans often gather dust as realistic implementation pathways are sometimes missing, whilst cities - particularly small- and medium-sized ones – can lack the resources and competencies to implement SUMPs. In addition, links between mobility and other sectors that generate mobility demand, such as education and health, are frequently underdeveloped.
Enter CIVITAS SUMP-PLUS. This three-year project, which started in September 2019, is helping towns and cities of all sizes and at varying stages of development to bridge the implementation gap and become accessible, green and liveable places where people can easily move from A to B.
In this effort, the project is creating new approaches and tools and introducing these in co-creation laboratories in six cities - Antwerp (Belgium), Alba Iulia (Romania), Greater Manchester (UK), Klaipeda (Lithuania), Lucca (Italy), and Platanias (Greece). The good practices and lessons learned from the labs will be transferred to a new set of politicians, practitioners, and researchers via a three-tier sharing and learning community and practical guidance tools. Through these actions, SUMP-PLUS is putting mobility where it belongs – at the heart of sustainable urban transformation.
The project consortium, led by the City of Antwerp, comprises 16 partners – gathering local authorities, transport operators, city networks, renowned research institutions, and mobility experts – from nine countries across Europe.
The objectives of SUMP-PLUS are divided into policy objectives and operational objectives, most of them demonstrated through pilots and subsequent evaluation in the six co-created City Laboratories (CLs).
Key Thematic Areas
Integrated & inclusive planning
Fast Facts
September 2019 - August 2022
Project duration
16 partners
Project partners
€ 3,987,862
Project funding
News & Events
Knowledge Bank
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Saverio Gini
Project Manager
saverio.gini [at]
Marijke De Roeck
Project Coordinator
Marijke.DeRoeck [at]