CIVITAS PROSPERITY supported local and national authorities to improve the quality and uptake of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), focusing on places where historically rates of SUMP adoption had been low.


About the project

PROSERITY set out to cultivate a culture shift in mobility planning at all levels, with a focus on stimulating SUMPs at the city level via national SUMP Task Forces. To facilitate this, PROSPERITY provided mechanisms and tools to help national and regional agencies take a leading role in SUMP development through SUMP support programmes.

Targeted knowledge transfer and capacity building helped build mutual understanding of the SUMP process and boosted cooperation across various levels of governance, whilst targeted dissemination promoted SUMPs and their value. Together, these laid the basis for (further) SUMP adoption in 13 EU Member States.

Primarily, PROSPERITY empowered regional and national authorities and administrations to take on a greater role in supporting SUMP development through a broad programme of activities and outputs.

These ranged from delivering in-person and online capacity building activities and producing various reports and guidance materials to developing tools, assessment schemes, and support programmes. Most of these were adapted to specific national and/or local level contexts.

To deliver these, PROSPERITY mobilised a special set of actors:

  • National Task Forces (NTFs), led by ministries and agencies, were formed. They developed national SUMP supporting programmes in 14 countries and regions.
  • National Focal Points, the main point of contact for SUMP-related issues in each country, were activated.
  • PROSPERITY partner cities, selected due to their commitment to develop and/or implement a SUMP, acted as role models for other cities.
  • PROSPERITY “Champion Cities”, cities that had already implemented SUMPs successfully, passed on their knowledge and advice during training and city coaching sessions.

The core of PROSPERITY’s activities was a series of National SUMP Support Programmes (NSSPs), whose development PROSPERITY assessed. Implemented at the national (and regional) level, NSSPs provide assistance and incentivise local authorities to implement SUMPs.

PROSPERITY found that NSSPs increase SUMP uptake within a country, promote cross-sector and multi-level working, and get sectors and actors not previously involved in SUMPs on board.

All key project tools and resources are collated on the project's website. It also produced a wide variety of training materials in various languages - access them here. A selection can be found below in the knowledge bank.


Fast Facts

September 2016 - August 2019

Project duration

26 participants

Project partners


Project funding


Knowledge Bank

.eu web awards
ELTIS / Urban Mobility Observatory LOGO
European Mobility Week
netzerocities logo
Smart Cities Marketplace
EU Logo

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

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