Mobility Urban Values – MUV – was a Research and Innovation project that aspired to improve mobility habits by gamifying urban commuting at the neighbourhood level.

About the project
MUV – Mobility Urban Values – leveraged behavioural change in local communities by changing commuting habits through a game that mixes digital and physical experiences. Rather than focus on costly and rapidly ageing urban infrastructures, MUV promoted a shift towards more sustainable and healthy mobility choices by engaging local communities, businesses, policymakers and Open Data enthusiasts.
The MUV solution was designed to be open and co-created, with a strong learning community of users and stakeholders. It was piloted in six European neighbourhoods: Buitenveldert in Amsterdam (Netherlands), Sant Andreu in Barcelona (Spain), the historic district of the Portuguese county of Fundao (Portugal), Muide-Meulestede in the harbour of Ghent (Belgium), the new area of Jätkäsaari in Helsinki (Finland) and the area of Centro Storico in Palermo (Italy).
Mobility and environmental data gathered via the mobile app and monitoring stations and released as Open Data, allowed policymakers to enhance planning processes to build new services capable of improving cities’ quality of life in a more effective way.
Fast Facts
June 2017 - May 2020
Project duration
14 partners
Project partners
€ 5,500,000
Project funding
News & Events
Knowledge Bank
Ilaria Marino
Content Manager
i.marino [at]
Salvatore Di Dio
Project Coordinator
s.didio [at]