Wrokshop on Low Carbon Urban Mobility projects

CIVITAS Initiative

Climate-Kic organises the “Innovator Catalyst” professional Workshop focused on Low Carbon Urban Mobility Projects to be held in Modena, Italy, from 20th to 27th November 2015.

More information about the course programme and activities will be provided during a webinar on 7th October at 14:00 CET; please use the following link to access: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/625019749.

The training course offers the unique opportunity to experience a fully coached programme that will take you on a ‘Sustainable Mobility Tour’, working on innovative business models and transition thinking. The workshop participation will benefit from a team of Cross-European coaches, expert speakers, site visits, peer group work and the analysis of your own case study.

A presentation of the course can be found here.

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