Vitoria-Gasteiz to become a lab on cyclist mobility

CIVITAS Initiative

The Environmental Studies Centre of the Municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz (CEA) and the Centre for Transportation Research (TRANSyT) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid have signed an agreement regarding cyclist mobility.

The agreement regulates the cooperation framework between the CEA and TRANSyT for the development of research activities in subjects related to cyclist mobility and, more specifically, for the development of the draft of I + D + i Nacional Plan "TRANSBICI - Behaviour and cyclist demand model: transition to a bike friendly city". As part of this agreement, TRANSyT is committed to using the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz as a laboratory to collect data and perform studies and analyses, which are necessary for the development of the TRANSBICI project. In addition, TRANSyT is committed to providing Vitoria with all the collected data, share the criteria for the analysis and facilitate the TRANSBICI project's findings. In return, the City Council is committed to providing all the information available that could be of interest for the purpose of this study such as data collected in the latest mobility survey. The project researchers work at the three universities, each of them with different lines of research: planning, analysis and transportation economy, social psychology and geography. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2013.

Author: Roberto Gonzalez Argote



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