Utrecht rewards sustainable mobility choices

Utrecht partners up with events Organisers to reward bicycle users, public transport customers and pedestrians.

Together with four events organisers, Utrecht has just launched a campaign to encourage people to go to events by bike, public transport or walk. Visitors to four big cultural and sports events will receive a free subscription for the public transport (PT) bicycle. Valid throughout the Netherlands, the subscription normally costs €10 a year. Subscribers also get a free two-day PT bike rental and a bicycle bell. The PT bicycle is available for rental at train stations, Park & Rides and bicycle parking facilities. Promotion teams are on site at the events to record the numbers of cars, bikes and PT users. They also welcome and motivate those visitors coming by bike, on foot, or by public transportation and hand out give-aways such as a free bicycle bells with the message 'Utrecht Cycles'. The promotion team also inform visitors about sustainable mobility options, two of which are CIVITAS MIMOSA projects, the Park & Ride and the bike parking facilities. Great offers include a € 4 fee for an entire day of Park & Ride parking and public transport for five people, compared to an hourly parking fee of € 3.50 in the city centre. Cyclists are advised to use the free bike parking facilities in the city centre. The event organisers also promote the bicycle, use of PT and P&R. Event websites and promotional materials carry the campaign slogan, "Event Name Take Your Bike, Go On Foot or by Public Transport. Utrecht chooses bike and public transportation! Fast, clean and easy". In addition, advertisements in the local newspapers promote the event, the preferred means of transportation and free gifts.  



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