Urban Public Space Design project cluster meets NetZeroCities in Brussels

Urban Public Space Design cluster

In Europe, we are not moving enough! This was the message at yesterday's Urban Public Space Design meeting - and the motivation for the participating projects to redesign our streets so that more citizens choose more active modes of transport for getting around in the daily lives.

The cluster meeting brought together the CIVITAS Initiative with NetZeroCities (the platform supporting the mission for 100 cities to become climate neutral by 2030), representatives from the European Commission, as well as three projects funded by Horizon Europe within the Urban Public Space Design cluster - REALLOCATE, ELABORATOR and AMIGOS. The purpose was to ensure the projects - that all work towards open, safe and inclusive streets, and ultimately towards climate neutrality - join forces and create synergies, rather than carry out their work in parallel. In many ways, it became clear that projects can reinforce each other's work, creating greater overall impact in market take-up of innovative solutions - bringing public deliverables from the shelves to the cities - both during as well as beyond the project lifetimes.

In addition to presentations on the various projects and policy context (covering the European Green Deal, the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy and more), deep-dive workshops focussed on monitoring and evaluation as well as communication and dissemiantion workstreams. With combined efforts across projects as well as within them, the aim is bridge gaps for more effective impact - and ultimately healthier and happier citizens, making their contribution to climate neutrality.

Author: ICLEI Europe

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