Urban mobility indicators toolkit

CIVITAS Initiative

A video has been created on the urban mobility indicators toolkit developed by WBCSD, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

Commissioner Violeta Bulc said "We have been willing to identify a set of suitable sustainable and smart urban mobility indicators ever since the Transport White Paper. In reviewing the set of WBCSD, we concluded that it is very thorough and covers all EU urban mobility policy objectives. We encourage cities to make use of it, both to assess their current situation and to monitor the results of their urban mobility strategy and measures. This new tool will allow performing useful analysis and make fact-based decisions, which will help achieve the objectives set forth by the Paris Climate Conference and make cities nicer and healthier places to live”.

The urban mobility indicators toolkit developed by WBCSD is made up of 19 carefully chosen indicators, themselves broken down in in 109 parameters for which cities need to collect and report data. In developing the toolkit, WBCSD associated itself with the University of Ghent in Belgium and collaborated with ITF, the International Transport Forum and OECD, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The applied the toolkit to six cities worldwide to refine and validate it, of which in Europe the cities of Hamburg and Lisbon. The indicators combine quantitative data coming out of meters, countings, GIS and calculations with qualitative data coming out of surveys. The toolkit leads to a visual representation on a spider web of the position of the city on each of the 19 indicators, allowing it to easily diagnose the state of its mobility situation.

The urban mobility indicators report is currently available at http://wbcsdpublications.org/project/smp2-0-sustainable-mobility-indica… and an on-line tool will be available as of this summer. When using that on-line tool, cities will be able to choose whether they want to stay anonymous or reveal their identity for analysis purposes.

The European Commission will strive to support cities in their use of the toolkit, including possibly with financial support for the data collection.

From the side of WBCSD, the toolkit is part of a bigger project called "Sustainable Urban Mobility 2.0", also providing a database of suitable urban mobility solutions and links to the urban mobility plan development process. More info can be viewed at www.wbcsd.org/mobility.aspx. The direct link to to the toolkit is http://wbcsdpublications.org/project/smp2-0-final-report-integrated-sustainable-mobility-in-cities-a-practical-guide/

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