UK Government launches cycling scheme

CIVITAS Initiative

The British government launched a scheme on 28 October, to encourage companies to improve cycling facilities for their employees. The cycle to work guarantee scheme is part of a plan to make cycling one of the mainstream ways for getting people to and from work, school and college.

British transport secretary, Andrew Adonis, believes that, “If proper facilities were more widely available, far more people would cycle to work. At present, only 3 percent do so. We could double or treble that figure with proper bike storage and changing facilities and safe cycle routes, and that's my aim.” The Six British cities involved in the CIVITAS Initiative, Preston, Bristol, Norwich, Winchester in previous projects, and Brighton and Hove and Bath at the moment, have played their part in introducing innovative measures to encourage cycling. For example, in 2004 Winchester developed The Bikeabout scheme, which allows members of the public to borrow bicycles for free. Users pay a one-off registration fee of £15 and can then borrow a bicycle as often as they like, at no additional charge, for up to 24 hours at a time. Brighton and Hove is currently in the research stage of its Bike-Off’Anti-theft programme measure. The initiative will introduce cycle parking measures in conjunction with a high profile publicity and awareness campaign. CIVITAS cities across Europe have implemented innovative, technological and infrastructure measures to promote cycling and get their citizens on board two-wheeled transport. Companies that sign up to the British government’s scheme agree to provide staff with safe bike storage, changing rooms, cycling lessons and access to bike-repair facilities, as well as access to the government's tax-free scheme to buy new bicycles. Britain is investing £140m in improved facilities for cyclists over the next three years, including more support for cycle lanes and dedicated cycle paths.

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