Transport safety implications of the UK referendum on EU membership

In a referendum held on 23 June, a majority of citizens of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. The decision, if carried through with the commencement of the Article 50 procedure of the treaty of the EU, may have far-reaching consequences for the areas of policy covered by European Union law, including transport safety

In a referendum held on 23 June, a majority of citizens of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union.  The decision, if carried through with the commencement of the Article 50 procedure of the treaty of the EU, may have far-reaching consequences for the areas of policy covered by European Union law, including transport safety.

There is currently a great deal of uncertainty about the kind of relationship the UK will have with the remaining member states, and the legal framework that would apply after formal withdrawal.

Some of the main areas of European Union legislation that currently apply to the UK in the field of transport safety include:

  • minimum vehicle safety standards for new vehicles (covering requirements such as seatbelts, electronic stability control and crash protection standards);
  • legislation covering international transport such as aviation, maritime and rail safety;
  • social and safety rules for international transport services, such as working time restrictions for long distance lorry drivers;
  • infrastructure safety standards for major roads and tunnels;
  • recently-agreed rules on cross-border enforcement of traffic offences enabling member states to enforce traffic penalties for dangerous driving, such as speeding, committed by non-residents. These rules are due to come into force in the UK next year


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