Toward a new culture of urban mobility in Iasi

CIVITAS Initiative

The need to replace the personal car with public transport is the main message of the education and promotion programme, which began in Iasi this month. For the first stage of this programme from 5-9 June, specialists from the City Hall and the PT company participated in interactive meetings. Promoters distributed thousands of promotional materials in a specially designed bus.

More than 500 pupils and students from four schools along the CIVITAS Corridor, gave their opinion concerning the new face of the public transport in Iasi. Those surveyed know that in the very near future, they will need to switch to an efficient and friendly public transport if they want to go to school, shop or meet friends. They found out the meaning of the campaign slogan We move the future and how they can directly participate in improving the public transport of the city.For four days ten promoters circulated along the CIVITAS Corridor in a promotional bus, and distributed almost 60.000 flyers, block-notes and green maps to different PT users on the route. A TV and radio spot broadcasted by the local media engaged the general public, and a press conference was held at the City Hall, at the end of the first stage of the campaign.In the summer months, the education and promotion programme continues with the weekly distribution of promotional materials in recreational areas along the CIVITAS Corrridor (such as parks and the open-air swimming pool). The last three stages of the programme will be organised from September to November and they will focus on students from schools and universities.

Author: Ninel Vlaicu Berneaga



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