Thematic Leadership in cycling

CIVITAS Initiative

Odense is proud to announce that we have been asked to be Thematic Leader in the Field of Cycling within CIVITAS. Odense is well known for its experiences in the field of cycling and as thematic leader we will share our knowledge within the CIVITAS project.

Odense is proud to announce that we have been asked to be Thematic Leader in the Field of Cycling within CIVITAS. We gladly accept this assignment and look forward to cooperating with all of the cities in CIVITAS.Odense is well known for its experiences in the field of cycling. Since 1999 Odense has developed and carried out a great number of projects which have increased the amount of cyclist in Odense. Our work has inspired both national as well as international partners to work with cycling. We hope that our experiences will be relevant for CIVITAS partners and colleagues. We are planning a technical workshop in September presenting professional speakers and on-site-visits - an event where CIVITAS colleagues will get the chance to meet, get inspired and exchange knowledge in the area of cycling. Experts in the field of cycling are welcome to contact us if they wish to visit Odense on a more informal basis to learn more about Odense, cycling and soft mobility. As Thematic Leaders we will provide our partners in the field of cycling with relevant material such as articles, publications, links, etc.



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