Teaching kids sustainable mobility

CIVITAS Initiative

Brescia engages with nine elementary schools to hold special lessons on the importance of sustainable mobility and the role of public transport. Nine elementary schools in the city with forty classes (3a, 4a and 5a) participate in "Edu-Educhiamoci".

The project provides lessons of a couple of hours by specialised trainers, during which the initiative is presented to teachers and students. Dedicated material is shared with the kids including a CD-ROM and a tracker of the educational activities throughout the year. Edu-Educhiamoci is promoted by Asstra, a national public transport association that Brescia Trasporti is a member of. The sustainable mobility project  started at the beginning of the school year, as every year. Brescia joined Edu since its launch in 2007 with the group “Galleria della Natura”, which is active in education and environmental communication. "This year forty classes have welcomed the project", Caterina Fasserdi explains. Nine schools in the city are involved: Manzoni, Don Vender, Santa Maria della Pace, Torricella, Columbus, Alighieri, Arici, Ugolini and Audiofonetico Institute. The project is part of the Brescia's CIVITAS measure 4.3, "Communication and educational campaigns by Brescia trasporti". The strategic objective of the measure is to stimulate and promote the culture of the use of public transport organising several educational/ communication activities addressed to young students, bus passengers, and all potential users. Brescia Trasporti’s attention towards the issue of sustainable mobility has long been consolidated in the company’s strategies. Specific activities aimed at particular types of users have been promoted by Brescia Trasporti for years but the innovative contribution of the measure consists of an integrated and organic vision of the initiatives also within the activities promoted by the City Council.

Author: Morris Urari



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